Altewear Visual Identity (concept)
Premium Streetwear for the Unconventional
Altewear is a premium fashion brand redefining streetwear with a focus on creativity and free thinking. Drawing inspiration from popular culture, Altewear offers unique designs that break away from the mainstream, championing self-expression and unorthodox style.
SFU Blockchain & AI Club Visual Identity
Innovating the Future
The SFU Blockchain & AI Club fosters a vibrant community dedicated to exploring and advancing blockchain and AI technologies. Through events, industry talks, and networking opportunities, we provide a platform for members to connect, learn, and stay at the forefront of technological advancements.
Arisecare Visual Identity (concept)
Empowering Lives with Compassion
Arise Care is a local community-based organization in Brisbane dedicated to supporting individuals with mental health challenges and disabilities. Our compassionate team creates tailored support plans to meet each individual's unique needs and goals. From therapeutic interventions and counseling to daily assistance and fostering community connections, Arise Care empowers individuals to lead fulfilling lives with compassion, expertise, and holistic care.
The Point Visual Identity
A Community of Faith and Service
The Point is a vibrant church based in Vancouver, operating at Simon Fraser University on Burnaby Mountain. With deep ties to students and the surrounding communities, The Point is dedicated to loving God, loving people, and serving all. Through worship, learning, prayer, and weekly gatherings, we foster a deep connection with God. Our LifeGroups provide a supportive environment where individuals can grow together in faith and compassion. By utilizing our God-given gifts, we serve the church, community, and the world, building God's Kingdom on earth.
Cyber Creative Digital Solutions Visual Identity
Cupid Fetch Visual Identity
MEMMS Golf Club Visual Identity
V3C Media Magazine Proposal
Delectable Visual Identity